The CSF Study Module

About the CSF Study Module

The CSF – Creative Strategic Foresight is a study module which develops students’ competences in evaluating and foreseeing changes in the business environment, fosters their creative capacities in strategic thinking, and enables them to adapt and innovate. It brings together higher education – BA students and their teachers, companies, organisations and research. The CSF Study Module involves students in solving real-life company challenges, provides students and companies with up-to-date applied research information and researchers and companies with new and fresh viewpoints and networks through cooperation.

The aim of the CSF Study Module is to teach strategic, creative thinking to students, and to support teachers in their efforts to guide students.

The CSF Study Module is based on the knowledge triangle, where innovation, education and research meet. It aims to increase cooperation between enterprises – work life, education and research – and to contribute to the integration of creativity into European curricula.

The CSF Study Module can be organised as a compulsory or optional course, or as part of an existing course. Currently the CSF Study Module is available in English and Spanish.

Creativity and CSF foresight on the EU level

CSF aims to promote the systematic integration of creativity in the European curricula. It addresses especially the EU 2020 flagship initiative of smart growth, which comprises the idea of an innovative and knowledge-based economy in which education has a central role. The highly educated, innovative and creative society would thus be more competitive by creating new jobs, and also the preconditions for future jobs.[i]

Creativity and innovation are exploited further as they extend to the knowledge triangle where education, research and innovation meet (ET 2020).[ii]


[i]EU 2020: European Commission (2010). Communication from the Commission, EUROPE 2020 A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (Brussels, 3.3.2010; COM (2010) 2020); retrieved from; on 28.3.2011
[ii]Education and Training 2020: Notices from European Union institutions and bodies 2009. Council conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (‘ET 2020’).